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Results for "keyword: "oppression""
Break Open Our Hearts Prayer for righteous anger and action.
The passion for social justice in the prophets The passion for social justice in the prophets
Saints identify with others, often the most oppressed, despised others, as part of themselves. Saints identify with others, often the most oppressed, despised others, as part of themselves.
The world is still a dark world The world is still a dark world
We Survived the End of the World The pain of talking about fear.
Cleave Us a Way, O Lord (1920) A moving expression of faith in God in a call for liberty and justice for all.
Talking about peace means facing oppression Talking about peace means facing oppression
United in Prayer Day 2018 A Contemplative Outreach prayer vigil dedicated to healing violence.
The Breadwinner An animated feature about a young girl who defies the Taliban in Afghanistan through her courage and storytelling.
International Day of Women A prayer for God's guidance and blessings for all the women engaged in social change.